Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Here I go.

Well, this is more intimidating than I expected; putting myself out there to anyone who manages to stumble upon this blog-- probably accidentally too. It feels like I have to live up to something, like I'm suppose be a role-model to people. I'm not, so stop reading if that's what you're looking for. :)

What a better way to start a blog than to use one of those cheesy and fairly annoying forwarded emails that require you to cut, paste and ‘reply to all’ so that all your friends who already know you can learn more about you. You know the ones I’m talking about.
How original of me right? But, if I want anyone to know me that doesn’t already this IS the way to better understand the un-understandable things I might—no: I will say. So, here we go:

1.) Name: Kristina B. Warnick
2.)Nickname: DeeDee—from birth, don’t know how it was aquired—kinda like the birthmark I have. Krissy, also acquired at birth but by different relative. Krist—the typical shortening of the already shortened name “Kristi”. Kris—an even more shortened version. Kay—pure laziness of the tongue.
3.)Hair Color: Mostly changing, and always different, but is says on my driver’s license: Brown. Ha, that’s funny.
4.)Eye Color: Green, but more grey’ish when I’m unhappy.
5.)Single?: No, Not for almost 2 years now.
6.) Birthday: ---wait a minute; I have a feeling I’m, setting myself up to potentially lead to identity theft!
7.) Tattoos, what, Where?: 6 and counting (sorry mom). 1. Back of neck—all seeing eye. 2. lower back- -a celtic mistake I made when I was 17, 3. Side of my chest—sweet twirly design I got by the bamboo stick when I was in Thailand. 4. Back of my shoulder—my tribute to the motherland (Canada): snowflakes and falling leaves. 5. Side of my calf—a frangipani flower: red. 6. Inside of my ankle—Palm tree (my favorite thing).

8.)Can you juggle?: You mean like men? Hmmm, I used to be able to. My mom once said “you go through boyfriends faster than underwear.” Bit of an exaggeration. No, I can’t—well not the proper way-- real juggling I mean.
9.)Favorite sex position: I’m still a virgin……..right mom and dad?
10..)Favorite sleeping position: On my side curled in a ball with my hands tucked under the pillow…alone; right mom and dad.
11.) Occupation: woman slave on a private yacht. Aka. Stewardess. I clean toilets, serve champagne and live with 20 other people that I work with. I get to travel to really cool places and live like the rich and famous..without the gold card.
12.)Pet Peeve: How come this one isn’t plural? This is a loaded question. I hate when people chew with their mouths open. Especially when they make odd smacking sounds with the back of their tongues like they speak some alien language. Gum is a bad one. Also, people who whistle nothing tunes; tunes that you can’t make out and just sound like someone whistles because they’re TRYING to piss someone off. Wind is a bad one for me as well. It ruins everything: hair, warmth, first kisses when the hair blows into both party’s mouths—I think that’s where this pet peeve originated. AND folks, I have a new one I decided this weekend:
I first walked into the house party, barely made it through the door before he ( a guy I met the other weekend-- who knows I'm in a relationship) saw me. He bee-lined straight to me giving me a hug and one of those awkward cheek kisses: when you don’t know which cheek they’re going for. I managed to get my jacket off and Adam got me a drink. I unfortunately put it down on the counter. Everyone filed past me to join the party where I had barely had a chance to say ‘Hello’. He then cornered me by the door, putting one hand on the counter and one on the wall. He would ask me questions and tell me stories. Every time he reached for his drink, he would almost grab mine.
“That’s mine.” I said every time, reaching to grab it just in time for his hand to return to the now familiar spot between my Sangria and I.
All the while I can hear the jovial beer-pong and camaraderie happening in the other room. Short of the long is: Let me join the party first before taking me away from it.
13.)What would you do if you won the lottery?: Vague. Depends how much. 1 million I would buy a nice house and work part-time living off the interest. Tens of Millions: buy a small house everywhere, give money to some family and friends and live my life traveling between the houses and just LIVE!
14.)Favorite place you’ve been: Not on a boat: Barcelona hands down! On a boat (working): Charleston SC and Key West (So far. Since we’re going to across the Pacific I have a feeling that will change soon) It used to be Newport until I lived here for a few months. Now I just really like it.
15.)Best friend: I have a few, a few in the making and more to make.
16.)Favorite article of clothing: When it’s on or off? Because if it’s off I love bikini’s and underwear-- until I put them on. On, hmmm…none I think. Pajamas maybe.
17.)Favorite drink: Coffee. I have a new relationship with ginger tea that I’m really enjoying. Drinking it right now actually
18.)Something people accuse you of all the time: I usually get told to smile more (so don’t feel bad if you’ve told me this already), But that’s just my face if I’m not overly happy or already smiling. This also leads to people thinking I’m a Bitch right off the bat. Which in some people's cases I am or can be.
19.)Something people don’t know about you: Too many; I suppose you’ll find out in this blog…Segway

I know that wasn’t as exciting as you were probably hoping, but I promise I will try and make the following blogs more exciting and enjoyable.
Come and take a journey with me through my job as a stewardess or "yachtie", visiting exotic—and some not-so-exotic places.


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