Monday, May 3, 2010

Random boat living.

It's 5pm. I've got a glass of wine, my iPod, My journal (and a pen), and a magazine: Women's Health. Which honestly, despite the health information, I wonder why I read anymore. I don't exercise and even Yoga has become a challenge on this boat we call home. Any bending poses are fine, but as soon as I have to do mountain pose with hands reaching to the sky, I have to do flat palms with a slight back-bend so I don't hit the ceiling. Improvisation. The other day I printed off a running program from Women's Health and went on my way. I walked until I was out of sight, then went into jog mode. Only to take 2 running steps before my right-foot caught the flare of my left pant leg, thrusting me towards the pavement face-first. My knees skidded along first before my hands hit the ground, breaking my stone ring and scraping up my engagement ring then rolling onto my back (so, don't wear nice jewelery while running). A guy in a truck stopped, rolled down his window and asked if I was OK. I gave him the thumbs up, my palms burning. I turned around and started runnning until I was FOR-SURE out of sight and could assess my hands and knees. Hands: OK, Knees: bleeding-- even through my pants. Thanks Lulu Lemon. Smart choice on the flared pants. So we're avoiding running until at least tomorrow... or until my knee stops pussing from under the scab. ;-)
But for this moment, the cushioned settee, and a nice day; aka. no wind and an clear California sunset equals a relaxing moment on this Moody 64', Breeze.
That is if you don't count the broken freezer we discovered last night when I was trying to convince Adam to eat OUR pre-paid hamburgers instead of In'n'Out burgers. Now he has to eat them all in a week. That'll show him Bwa ha ha ha. I suppose if I really wanted to complain, having (temporary non-HD-TV) TV in the bedroom only (since we switched out Direct TV box) kind of sucks. But I'll be thankful we have TV at all! At least I have something to do when I'm not doing yoga. I keep reminding myself: "this could all still happen if we were not living on a boat".

1 Glass of wine is all I'm allowed tonight. Not because I'm restricting myself, but because that's all that was left in the bottle. The sunset could have been a lot more interesting... But, I'm extending my glass of wine with the slow-melting hunk of ice I jammed in the glass after I saved it from it's watery-doom at the bottom of the "freezer".
I think once we have the space, we will have a micro wine cellar. There's nothing wrong with that right? Grapes are good for you, they have heart-disease-fighting antioxidants. I learned THAT in Women's Health.

Behind me, slowly, silently and rather stealth-like, my new hobby: plants are sprouting and growing. All but the chives. I still have faith in them though.
Okra was my first to sprout, followed closely by Basil and not without a scare of impotence: Dill, who just sprouted through the soil yesterday. You would never guess it's only a day old by the height of the healthy green, grass-like sprouts.
Is it weird that they're like my little babies, my pride and joy? People get pets before children, I get plants before pets before children!
I practically attacked Adam yesterday morning when I saw Dill had come out of it's shell: "Guess what popped up?!" I think he was probably scared at that moment. "DILL" I shouted and jumped into bed. Adam had very little faith in Dill, so I think he was pleasantly surprised. His "REALLY?" showed it.
I do take pride in their growth, knowing that it was me who waters them, puts them in the sun all day and brings them inside at night so they don't get cold. If it's windy outside I shelter them behind the "dash" windows so the UV rays can still ravish them. When I first planted them, I told them: I love you little herbs, now grow, grow, GROW! I send them positive vibes, holding their little pots. Soon I'll have to move them into a big pot with each other. Oh the day.
But my wine is done and I must go watch non-HD "Tori and Dean" before yoga'ing it up!


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